Shorts Deflector
A Chromium and Firefox browser extension that lets you play YouTube Shorts using the standard desktop interface. Currently serving over 7,500 users monthly!
Export MS Teams Chats
A PowerShell script that exports Microsoft Teams chat conversations to a local HTML file.
A Firefox and Chromium browser extension that quickly checks any Hypixel player's last session.

NotifHy is a Discord bot that provides alerts and notifications for Hypixel, a popular Minecraft server. It allows you to share login activity with friends and receive reminders before losing your daily reward streak.
NotifHy Mod
A companion Minecraft mod for NotifHy that provides real-time notifications and data.
SFU HUB is a collaborative project from a team of six that creates a centralized platform for SFU students to access essential resources, event information, and campus services.
A complete solution for tracking high-altitude balloons that collects, sends, processes, stores, and displays location telemetry.
Serverless Discord Bot
A demonstration of a Discord bot built on Cloudflare Workers, a serverless platform.
Job Queue
A job queue system designed for executing orbit propagations, pass finding, and other tasks as part of the ALEASAT project.
Personal Website
This website! A personal portfolio showcasing my projects and skills, built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS.
CMPT210 Handbook
A rundown a CMPT210: Probability and Computing course at SFU. It contains a summary of all course content. Written in LaTeX.
Tracker Design Document
Design document for the Tracker project. It contains a detailed overview of the system architecture, components, and design decisions.