Blog/Transforming CSV to GPX

Transforming CSV to GPX

June 22, 2024

csv to gpx using gpsbabbel

using this format

in the universal csv format, we can use lat, long, alt, time, date, temp, speed

use below for the time and date fields. with the gpsbabbel gui, the utc offset can also be specified


to get utc_d and utc_t, use =TEXT(DATE(MID(A1,1,4),MID(A1,6,2),MID(A1,9,2)),"yyyy/mm/dd") and =TEXT(TIME(VALUE(MID(A1,12,2))+2,VALUE(MID(A1,15,2)),VALUE(MID(A1,18,2))), "HH:MM:SS") on a column with iso8601

YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00 AM

=TEXT(E2, "yyyy-mm-dd")

tracks to waypoints

Use -x transform,wpt=trk

.\gpsbabel -w -i gpx -f C:/Users/User/Downloads/test1.gpx -x transform,wpt=trk -o gpx -F C:/Users/User/Downloads/test2.gpx