Blog/Transforming CSV to GPX
Transforming CSV to GPX
June 22, 2024
csv to gpx using gpsbabbel
using this format
in the universal csv format, we can use
, long
, alt
, time
, date
, temp
, speed
use below for the time and date fields. with the gpsbabbel gui, the utc offset can also be specified
to get utc_d and utc_t, use =TEXT(DATE(MID(A1,1,4),MID(A1,6,2),MID(A1,9,2)),"yyyy/mm/dd")
and =TEXT(TIME(VALUE(MID(A1,12,2))+2,VALUE(MID(A1,15,2)),VALUE(MID(A1,18,2))), "HH:MM:SS")
on a column with iso8601
YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00 AM
=TEXT(E2, "yyyy-mm-dd")
tracks to waypoints
Use -x transform,wpt=trk
.\gpsbabel -w -i gpx -f C:/Users/User/Downloads/test1.gpx -x transform,wpt=trk -o gpx -F C:/Users/User/Downloads/test2.gpx